Directives and Regulations

ACISM works to respond to the multiple requests coming from the market and to the provisions issued by the metric authorities, finding its interlocutor in the Ministry of Productive Activities.

The topics of greatest interest to the manufacturers that ACISM is actively following are:

Update of metric legislation

Measurement is certainly one of the most important issues on the table; finally, the drafting of a single code for all legal metrology is expected. ACISM has for some time already illustrated some particularly delicate issues that will have to be examined and resolved and, in any case, will be an active part in the drafting of the final text of the announced Code.

Implementation of Directive 2004/22 /CE of March 31, 2004 relating to measuring instruments (so-called "MID" directive)

After years of preparatory work, the directive has finally been published in the Gazzetta. The most relevant issues for the operators and administrations of the individual states will be the determinations on which measuring instruments are subject to the directive and the application of national source regulations relating to the periodic control of the instruments that have been installed.

Metrological recognition to manufacturers of water meters

This sector has never been subjected to metrological laws, which not only represents an anomaly at European level, but objectively places Italian manufacturers in an inferior position compared to other EU manufacturers who, being able to apply legal metrology standards that guarantee a certain standard and a certain quality, they are able to "qualify" their products. In Italy this is not possible and that is why ACISM asks that the water sector also be regulated through legal metrology provisions.

Periodical checks and control of domestic gas meters

Italy is the only country in the European Community that does not care what happens to a gas meter once it is installed. The metrological law has always provided for a rigorous discipline that regulates its design, construction and calibration. After the sale and installation, however, there is a worrying legislative gap as there is no obligation to verify over time and above all there are no age limits on the use of the device.



