9 July 2019


AISEM brings together the best national entrepreneurs for the construction and distribution of material handling and lifting equipment. It represents about 75% of the entire national production, of which about 40% is for export.

AISEM was formed in 1992 from the merger of two entrepreneurial unions that had already been federated to Anima Confindustria for more than forty years, UCICIS and UST. 

UCICIS, founded in 1955, was the association of manufacturers of forklift trucks, equipment and industrial wheels; UST, established in 1985, gathered the experience and professionalism of a previous union operating in Anima since the 1950s, acting as a point of reference for manufacturers of lifting equipment.

Today AISEM, in a spirit of synergy, brings together the best national entrepreneurs for the construction and distribution of material handling and lifting machinery, representing about 75% of the entire national production, of which about 40% is destined for export.

Recently, the Industrial Wheels Group broke away from the Association and formed a union of its own: the UCIR, still within the ANIMA Federation.

AISEM represents the Italian National Committee FEM (Federation Europeen de la Manutention), which for over 50 years has brought together the most prestigious European manufacturers in the sector and was one of the first organisations in Europe to produce technical recommendations for the construction of machines, becoming one of the main interlocutors of CEN (European Committee for Standardisation).