We act as spokespersons and protect the needs of our members at ministries, public control and research bodies and other trade associations.
We actively collaborate with the CEN and have been protagonists, through our delegates, in the elaboration of the draft technical standards, later 'Harmonised Standards', adopted by manufacturers in the presumption of complying with European directives to protect the safety of workers and the free movement of goods.
We provide members with a comprehensive information service in everything that may relate to their activities.
We organise promotional initiatives such as trade fairs, seminars, and conferences with the aim of spreading and consolidating the "safety culture" among both manufacturers and users by promoting and organising initiatives dedicated to training and knowledge of the contents and fulfilments provided for in particular by the Machinery Directive transposed in Italy with Legislative Decree 17/2010.
We promote studies and market research with the aid of statistics aimed at production and product placement in the various markets at national, European and world level.
For the resolution of commercial, regulatory, legal and fiscal issues Aisem relies on the support of the Anima Federation. Aisem is a member together with the Anima Federation of Orgalime (European Committee of the Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic Industry).
Aisem members, through specific meetings of the Groups, can discuss the various product issues, coming to the appropriate conclusions that form the behavioural guidelines for all members.