The water from our taps is good, safe and controlled. In order to raise awareness of the advantages of water treatment in everyday life, we carry out communication campaigns, videos and information brochures.
Law Decree 31 of 02.02.2001 clarified, with regard to the maintenance of potability requirements, that from the main meter of the house to the withdrawal points the responsibility passes to the owner/manager of the property. In this section of the distribution network, the characteristics of the drinking water undergo changes in some cases that may affect its potability (e.g. release of metals due to corrosive processes, bacterial regrowth, Legionella, etc.), or alterations in its organoleptic characteristics may occur.
In both cases, it is sufficient to install the appropriate domestic treatments by contacting specialised and competent companies. All our associates operate in full transparency and fairness, respecting the Code of Ethics drawn up in collaboration with the main consumer protection associations.

Reference standards
Legislative Decrees No. 31/2001 and No. 27/2002, implementing Directive 98/83/EC, are the reference standards for the quality of water for human consumption.