F-GAS: in the Gazzetta Ufficiale the Presidential Decree 146/2018

Published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale no. 7 of 9 January 2019, the Presidential Decree No. 146 of 16 November 2018 on "Implementing Regulation of EU Regulation No. 517/2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases" and repealing EC Regulation No. 842/2006.

The database of fluorinated greenhouse gases and equipment containing such gases is created.

Sales of fluorinated greenhouse gases and equipment containing such gases, as well as the servicing, maintenance, repair and decommissioning of such equipment, will have to be reported electronically to the Data Bank managed by the relevant Chamber of Commerce, after registration in the register. 

Sales to end users 

Companies supplying non-hermetically sealed equipment containing fluorinated greenhouse gases to end-users, regardless of the sales method used, including remote communication techniques, from the sixth month following the date of entry into force of this decree (from 24 July 2019), will have to communicate the following information to the Database, at the time of sale and by telematic means:

  • type of equipment
  • number and date of the invoice or sales receipt
  • buyer's personal details
  • a declaration by the purchaser stating that the installation will be carried out by a company certified in accordance with Article 10 of Regulation (EU) No. 517/2014; alternatively, if the purchaser is the same as the certified company, the certificate number of the certified company and the personal details of the end user. In cases where the vendor offers the end user the service of installing the equipment sold, the declaration shall be issued by the vendor

Installation, leakage control, maintenance, repair and dismantling 

As from the eighth month following the date of entry into force of this decree (from 24 September 2019), the company or certified natural person, following the installation or the first leakage control, maintenance or repair work on equipment containing fluorinated greenhouse gases, shall electronically communicate the following information to the database:

  • number and date of the invoice or purchase receipt of the equipment (only for those who carry out the installation)
  • personal details of the operator
  • date and place of installation
  • type of equipment
  • unique equipment identification code
  • quantity and type of fluorinated greenhouse gases present and possibly added during installation or during inspection, maintenance or repair
  • name and address of the recycling or reclamation facility and, where applicable, the certificate number, if quantities of fluorinated greenhouse gases installed have been recycled or reclaimed
  • identification data of the certified natural person or certified company that carried out the installation or the inspection, repair or maintenance
  • any comments

Dismantling of equipment

From the eighth month following the date of entry into force of this decree, the certified company or natural person must electronically notify the following information to the database:

  • date and place of dismantling
  • operator's personal details
  • type of equipment
  • unique equipment identification code
  • quantity and type of fluorinated greenhouse gases recovered during dismantling
  • measures taken to recover and dispose of the fluorinated greenhouse gases contained in the equipment
  • identification data of the certified natural person of the certified company that carried out the dismantling work
  • any comments

The information relating to the leakage check, installation, maintenance, repair or dismantling must be communicated electronically to the database within 30 days from the date of the intervention.
