Europump launched the initiative "ECOPUMP" which aims to achieve eco-efficiency of pumping systems in different market segments and to communicate with:
- the users or end-users of our industry and thereby increase their awareness of energy consumption and environmental protection issues
- governmental institutions and stakeholders at both European and Member State level with the aim of expressing our industry's preference for voluntary agreements rather than legislative measures.
Europump lavora con programmi e agenzie Europee e nazionali che hanno lo scopo di promuovere e implementare le misure di efficienza energetica e di energy management.
Europump works with European and national programmes and agencies that aim to promote and implement energy efficiency and energy management measures.
For example, we support the "Motor Challenge Program" (MCP), a voluntary programme initiated by the European Commission in 2003, which aims to assist companies in increasing the energy efficiency of their motor-driven systems.
Further examples are Europump's guidelines to the Life Cycle Costs analysis of pumping systems and successful variable speed pumping applications.
In January 2005, circulation pump manufacturers signed a voluntary agreement to label their products with reference to energy performance classes. Europump is responsible for monitoring this agreement.
For various categories of pumping systems, Europump has developed and will continue to develop the adoption of various guidelines, tools or new regulations to improve, in each market segment, energy efficiency and environmental impact, both during installation and operation.
The Ecodesign Directive (2005/32/EC & 2009/125/EC) defines ecodesign requirements for energy-related products. It "contributes to sustainable development by increasing energy efficiency and the level of environmental protection, while increasing the security of energy supply".
Pumps and circulators fall within the scope. Assopompe and Europump members have worked to develop new technologies and products. Assopompe and Europump have contributed to the development of the Circulator and Water Pump Regulations applicable from January 2013.