Assotermica, a member of Anima Confindustria, represents almost all the industries that produce equipment and components for environmental climatic comfort, a sector characterised by constant technological evolution that makes Italian production a reality of absolute excellence.
We protect and promote the interests of the national reference sector, which is the second in Europe in terms of both the number of pieces produced each year and sales volumes. We work with our member companies to spread a true culture of air conditioning with a strong focus on sustainability, energy efficiency and development of renewable energy sources.
In figures
- more than 60 member companies
- more than 11,000 direct employees plus several thousand specialised operators
- more than 2,000 million Euro turnover
- 63% exports on sales of member companies
- >90% representativeness index of the association in relation to the total market
Assotermica aims to be a strategic partner for its member Companies. In particular, it aims at:
- supporting member companies in a process of decarbonisation that enhances the strategic role of heating and domestic hot water production through coherent and shared national and European legislations;
- supervising and coordinating the main technical committees where the sector’s “rules of the game” are defined, such as product, safety and performance standards;
- having a dialogue with political institutions and, more generally, with the various stakeholders, in order to continue to be an authoritative interlocutor in our country’s decision-making processes on energy, environment and safety issues;
- pursuing a logic of strong connection with the supply chain to allow our members to operate in a context of ongoing collaboration and offer components and equipment for systems suitable to the highest market standards.