9 July 2019


CIADI is the Union of Manufacturers of Soundproofing Installations and Equipment that was founded in 1979 at Anima Confindustria.

Ciadi groups companies that carry out design activities (including acoustic analysis, consultancy and environmental noise impact assessment), construction, installation - turnkey - and testing, both in the industrial and civil sectors of plants, equipment, products for the remediation of noise pollution, with warranty and after-sales assistance.

Reference point first of ISPESL and then of INAIL (into which it merged), CIADI participated in the years 2000, 2008 and 2013 in the drafting and subsequent updates of good practice manuals of one of the most productive and authoritative bodies as regards the realization of safety guidelines and other materials of high professional thickness.

In 2013, CIADI provided a valuable contribution to the drafting of the INAIL operating manual on "Methodologies and technical interventions for the reduction of noise in the workplace" providing the state of the art on the technical aspects of the prevention of risks from exposure to noise, with particular attention to the issue of reclamation, to the acoustic design from scratch of the production facilities and to the acoustic tests of the reclamation interventions.

Since 2016 CIADI has been collaborating with INAIL to feed a database of acoustic remediation to be included on the Physical Agents Portal (Paf), in order to provide an information tool that guides company safety actors and prevention operators to a correct response to purposes of prevention and protection from physical agents. The Portal is part of the INAIL Research Activities Plan 2016 - 2018.