UMAN ha lanciato nel 2013 un tour dedicato alla cultura applicativa della sicurezza antincendio a cui contribuiscono: tecnici, associazioni, addetti antincendio e ai servizi di sicurezza e di prevenzione, ordini professionali, imprenditori, università.
The exhibition and conference hosts events, workshops and in-depth activities, thus providing a valuable opportunity to unite the main Italian cities around the themes of safety and fire prevention. At each stage, the event takes place on a single day and brings together hundreds of industry professionals who have the opportunity to meet, discuss, develop new projects and learn about the most innovative security solutions available on the market today.
Three objectives of SICURTECH Village:
- facilitating the dissemination of the application culture of fire safety
- promote awareness of the latest innovations and solutions
- allow debate and discussion between all stakeholders in the fire safety chain
The exhibition in 2019 passed through the cities of Turin, Catania, Florence, Rome and Milan.
Discover the tour