ASTM and SAE standards

ANIMA Confindustria has made exclusive agreements with international scientific professional associations: ASTM “American Society for Testing and Materials” - SAE “Society of Automotive Engineers”.

We offer Italian companies from all industries access to their standards, in very affordable packages and through the use of platforms that provide innovative tools and features that ensure a drastic reduction of the work required on standards, such as, for example, the feature "Dynamic Standards Redlining version comparison" that highlights the differences with different colors between different versions of the same standard.

ASTM is an internationally recognized leader in the development and delivery of standards related to the definition of materials and test methods. Nearly 50% of the world's test methods are supported by scientific and statistical studies from these standards. For this reason, ASTM standards are of paramount importance in obtaining accreditation, performing laboratory tests, opening up new markets and increasing exports.

Annual subscription 20 standards

  • € 699 / year
  • € 599 / year for ANIMA Confindustria members

The solution allows to have in 12 months:

  • download HTML of 20 standards
  • ASTM Compass 
  • continuous access to database ASTM with the possibility to consult the abstracts of all the standards: 12.575 Active Standards, 42.000 Historical Standards
  • 12.300 red lines (to show the differences between the versions)
  • 15 Sections and 81 Volumes.

Tools and new functionalities

Dramatically reduce the amount of work required on regulations:

  • compare in a few seconds a standard with the previous editions, immediately identifying the updates, marked with different colors
  • work directly on the standard in HTML format, inserting notes, images, drawings and diagrams
  • form groups among colleagues interested in sharing the standard and working on it
  • create Alerts to receive updates on standards and new standards
  • Consult directly with ASTM experts and technical committee members
  • By uploading a company document to the platform, references to the standards cited in it automatically take links to ASTM standards
  • Search by standard number and keyword.

Online demonstrations

Free 15-20 minute WebEx with an ASTM trainer to review the features and ease of use of the platform A couple of demonstrations/month are scheduled, but can also be arranged upon request by sending your request to

Service Subscription

The year-long service starts on the date of activation, i.e., with ASTM authenticating the public IP addresses provided by the Company, so that interested users can then register with individual accounts.
Signing up for this proposal certifies the correct use under copyright of the 20 downloaded standards.

To join the offer, simply send back the subscription form. For any clarification and further information please contact:

Lorella Gerosa
Tel. 02 45418.518